Butter chicken version 2
About the recipe
There are different versions of butter chicken, Here is a version 2 that we make.
6 persons
Working hours:
more than an hour
Total preparation:
4 hours
Main course
M, f, v or v
Ingredients and supplies
Quantities in Asian dishes are not so important. So adjust quantities to your taste or add spices that you like.
1 Kilo Chicken in pieces, chicken thigh skin or drumsticks
Marinade voor de kip
3 cm gember
100 gr cashewnoten,
flinke snuf cayennepeper,
flinke snuf meat en garam masala,
4 kruidnagel
300 ml yoghert
Voor de saus
1 ui
geraspte (3 cm) gember en (5 teenen) knoflook pasta
1 of 2 blikken tomaat
100 ml room, maar kan ook zonder
Chicken marinade:
- Place cashew nuts, cayenne pepper, meat and garam masala, cloves in a blender or grind finely with a hand blender in, for example, a tall measuring cup.
- Grate the ginger and garlic
- Place yogurt in large bowl and add above and mix/stir.
- Cut the chicken into pieces.
- Place the chicken in the marinade
- Put in the fridge for at least 3 hours, preferably longer, for example if you make it the day before.
Building a dish:
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees
- Remove the dollops of yogurt from the chicken and place the pieces on a roasting pan.
- Brown the chicken in the oven for about 45 minutes (turn the chicken during cooking).
Make the sauce in 40 minutes:
- Cut 1 onion into cubes
- Place pan on medium "heat" add some oil
- Don't throw all the onions in the pan at once (it cools down too quickly)
once the first onion is in the pan, chop the next onion and add it to the pan, continuing until you run out of onions.
Take your time to brown the onions (do not fry them completely brown). - Add the grated ginger and garlic, stir.
- Let it bake for about 5 minutes.
- Add the tomato and stir
- Add the cream, the rest of the marinade and the cumin powder and stir well.
- Season with salt and pepper.
Finishing/for serving:
- Add chicken from oven to large pot along with sauce.
- Let it simmer for 20 minutes (close to the boil)
Serve in a nice bowl, (if you have it you can add some coarsely chopped coriander.
Delicious with an Indian salad of cucumber/tomato/onion. Chapatti and coriander-mint chutney.
28 december 2022