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Whole salmon from the oven

About the recipe

Quite simple, but such a delicious salmon dish.



2 to 3 persons





Working hours:

75 min

Total preparation:

30 min


Main course

M, f, v or v








Ingredients and supplies

  • 1 whole salmon of 1100 grams (head and tail on, guts removed)

  • 2 lemons

  • bunch of fresh parsley

  • fresh basil

  • dried rosemary

  • salt, pepper to taste

  • some olive oil


Cut the bunch of parsley into large pieces. Also take some basil leaves and tear them a bit smaller.

Take a few pieces of aluminum foil, and place them on top of each other. The salmon should fit in it and it should be able to be folded loosely.

Cut the lemons into 6 slices of 1 cm thick and the rest into thinner spots.

Fry 1 side of the thick slices in a hot frying pan with some olive oil until they are slightly caramelized.

Grease the aluminum foil with some olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and add the herbs including some dried rosemary.


Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

  • Take the salmon and clean it inside and out with kitchen paper.

  • Place the salmon on the herbs on the foil.

  • Salt and pepper the inside of the salmon and add some of the herbs and the thin slices of lemon. Close the salmon again.

  • Brush the top of the salmon with some olive oil, season with some salt and pepper and place the caramelized lemon slices with the brown side up on the salmon.

  • Fold the aluminum foil loosely and tightly, fold the sides tightly closed as well and place on a baking sheet.

  • Cook the salmon in the preheated oven for 45 minutes.

  • Unfold the aluminum smells delicious!

  • Remove the lemon slices and herbs from the salmon.

  • Cut the skin on the back and carefully remove the skin in pieces using a fork that you insert under the skin and thus lift the skin.

  • Use a knife to divide the top fillet into pieces and slide it off the bone.

  • Take out the big bone. You will come across some bones that you carefully take out.

  • Also cut the bottom fillet into pieces and remove from the skin.

Enjoy the salmon fillet at your leisure and savor every bite. It's delicious!

Pay attention to the bones that you will definitely encounter.


15 maart 2018

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